Week One Update:                                                                                                                 9/5/2018

  • Team Objectives were created
  • Specific tasks were assigned including, 
    • Creating new emergency braking system for the bogie
    • New system for independent wheel movement
    • New tension system for belt
    • Improved steering system 
  • Drivetrain Lighting Presentation 1

The first task for the team last week were to gather information on the previous teams work on the drivetrain. Furthermore, the team was to evaluate what needs to be improved on. From this accumulated data, the team proposed their different idea’s during the “Lightning Presentation”. From the presentation, it was concluded that the team will need to improve the current pulley system and the motor. Additionally, the team will have to be prepared for accommodating the high density motor team. Dan, team mentor, conclude during the online conference, the bogie drivetrain only needs to have emergency brakes in case of failures because the rest would be handled by the active braking from the motor. Lastly, Dr. Furman agreed that the implementation of torque vectoring is not of immediate concern. The team has also submitted the proposal on Saturday.


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