Week 12

Week 11/17/2018                                                                        Full-Scale Articulation and Brakes

         We were able to get solid work models of early versions of the new slave bogie. we are currently working on trying to incorporate the new articulation system to the updated slave bogie.
We will need to make some adjustments to some side panels of the wheel housing so that it does not interfere with the articulation system.
We will need an FEA after the parts are cut to see if the structure still retains its strength.
Pins are still being modeled. we might just use premade pins (if available) to reduce manufacturing cost.
Guide Arm (Akash Sandhu)
       For the guide arm, I was facing two problems. As discussed in Presentation 2, the exact spring I had designed and calculated for was not available at McMaster-Carr, so I had to adapt my design and redo my calculations with the new spring. When I redesign the spring load wheel holder with the new slot dimensions, the slot came in the way the spring was compressed all the way. To accommodate the problem, I decrease the total amount the wheel was allowed to move, and then I to make changes to the new arm of the guide-arm. The new guide-arm was also designed this week. Furthermore, the spring will be pre-loaded even when going down straight stretches of the track.

Emergency Brakes:

For this week, I ran FEA on the armature assembly to make sure that It can withstand forces that that will be present. A force of 1500lbf was applied to the bottom of the armature which simulates the pulling force of the electromagnet. The minimum factor is 2.8 which is acceptable. Furthermore, the Von-Mises effective stress is below the yield strength of the material which is also good. I will continue to run FEA on other parts as well.


  1. Great progress! The articulation system and the guide arm system looks to be much improved compared to this previous summer. I am having a hard time visualization what the guide arm and the e-brake will function like on the actual track, but it does sound like you have this under control.

    To confirm, the guide arm goes in front of the bogie and makes sure that the bogie remains on the track, correct? If this is the case, who is working on the steering arm?

    I am excited to see all of your individual models working together.


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