Week of 4/17/2019

We had some problems with the central shop. a ticket was closed without being complete so we have been trying to talk to Neil about getting back in line to have our parts manufactured.

Still waiting on parts from central shop we are looking for we are looking for outside sources to have parts manufactured instead of relying on the central shop.

Parts are being prepped to be welded. the following is a picture of the part before welding.

Guide Arm
I have prepped all of my parts for welding. I was having trouble getting welding done at central shop and getting access to MIG welder. I have gotten one spring-wheel assembly welded for free, but that person is not willing to do anymore. I have got another lead local to me in Newark willing to weld the rest of the parts and the quote is $250. I should have my parts complete by this upcoming Friday (4/26).


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