Week of 4/24/2019

  Guide Arm                                                                                                                  Akash Sandhu                                                                                                 
 I have found a welding shop that gave a cheaper quote  ($250) at Quiet Horsepower compared to the initial quote by Nam's Welding. Additionally, he plans to use TIG welding compared to MIG welding used previously. TIG welding allows for more precise and clean welding beads He has already tack welded half my parts and  the plan is to finish the rest of the welding on Friday. I have provided the images below. Furthermore, I aim to be test fitting my parts to the slave bogie.

We finally got parts out of the waterjet we are still waiting on the CNC to finish the parts 
There are some components that need to be welded we are waiting on a quote from quiet horse to see how much it will be
Here is a picture of what is done so far


The emergency braking is almost ready for testing. The manufacturing is almost complete with an exception of the welding work. The parts have been sent out for welding and I will get them back on April 29th. After the parts are put together, I would like to start testing to ensure that everything is in working order. 


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